K.J. | or Karaoke Jockey is another term for Karaoke Host.        |
M.C. | is a Master of Ceremonies or Host. He entertains, performs, and hosts the event. For a wedding, bar mitzvah or corporate event, the talent of your M.C. can make or
break your show. This is not to be confused with MC Hammer. In the Hip-Hop world, the M.C. performer is the rapper(s), as opposed to Techno, Goth & Trance where the performer is considered a singer.
These are specialized artists and although we do supply them when called for, the majority of the time when we say M.C. to you we mean Host.     
D.J. (Artist) | We mention this only to get it out of the way. D.J. artists specialize in only one art form each. These D.J.'s don't just play music
, they're considered to make music. They tend to have the title D.J. in their name (ex. - D.J. Jazzy Jeff) Unless your taste runs more to Hip-Hop or Techno then this is NOT what you
want for your event. These are the only D.J.s left that actually use turntables and cart around cases of records. They don't usually play requests and they're so busy mixing records
that they usually don't talk on a mic. A Rave or similar event is sometimes called a "party" but they're planned more like a concert event with a roster of nationally know
D.J.s performing in a line up like a Rock & Roll show would have a list of bands. We regularly supply talent and technical services for these events.
Party D.J. or Interactive D.J.
 | NOW WERE TALKING!     Literally. The old idea of a D.J. was just playing disks.  
Well if that's all you want why not just leave your CD player running in the corner?   At Frank-E-oke, that just doesn't fly.   We only employ interactive
D.J./M.C.'s who are large on personality.   Most come to us after years in radio.   Their whole goal in life is to make a great party.  
They host, M.C., lead dances, play games and do introductions.   What kind of music do they play?   What kind do you want?   Frank E's motto is
"I'm not an artist who paints the picture he wants, I'm a bartender who serves what you asked for."
Every one of our Interactive D.J.s are also M.C.s.     Now, for larger affairs & bar/ bat mitzvahs it is recommended to hire both a D.J. and a separate M.C. so one can blend
the music and the other works the dance floor with the wireless mic.
Party Animators | Professional dancers who assists the D.J./M.C. in creating the initial excitement. Remember junior high? The biggest problem with
any party is that no one ever wants to be the first to dance. The Animators get the motion started, They demonstrate the line dances, help the M.C. play games and in general create a festive atmosphere.
We recommend 2 - 4 girls for a bar mitzvah (this always brings a smile to the "man of the hour" and makes him look good in front of his pals. For bat mitzvahs we recommend 2 guys & 2 girls.
This creates more of a "couples" feel rather than the Chippendales male revue feel you'd get from just 4 guys. However, if it's a bachelorette party, , , well you figure it out.
Costumed Characters | Same as above but dressed to entertain the little ones. We have everything from the white rabbits to purple
dinosaurs,   space rangers to Princess Jasmine,   elves,   clowns,   Pokemon   and more.
Improvisational Actors
Atmosphere Characters | Perfect for themed parties. Arabian Nights or King Arthur's Knights, Pirates of the
Caribbean or Rangers from Outer Space. Think of them as costumed characters for adults. We can even supply the wait staff with costumes for ANY theme. Need some ideas?
How about Roaring 20's, Gangster 30's, USO 40's, Fabulous 50's, Psychedelic or Surf 60's, Disco Daze or 70's Rock, & Big Hair 80's just to name a few.
Specialty / Novelty acts | Jugglers, acrobats, magicians, comedians, singers, swing dance teachers, fire breathers, psychics & fortune tellers.
These performers can be blended into most any theme. For example singers with the USO show are easy to imagine but how about a 30's gangster who juggles Tommy guns or
The Marx Brothers with Chico performing magic, Groucho telling jokes & Harpo, well, , , being Harpo. Sure you've seen a 70's party night before with all the wigs and silly clothes
, but if you have our Macho Men, (Florida's leading village People Impersonators) perform, it's guaranteed to be a night they'll talk about for years. The combinations of talents are endless, and quite frankly, not something you
need to worry about. Our party planning services can create magic in any environment. They can even hire the decorators and coordinate the whole thing so your event is perfect from top to bottom.
Lighting Packages | We have everything from small stage and dance floor lighting to full fledged concert and portable night club systems.
And it's not just the dance floor that matters.Our lighting designers work wonders with plants and fabric to adorn any clubhouse or ballroom wall. In the end, the lighting is what adds that final touch of class.
Consumables | Also known as party favors. These can REALLY make a party and have become an absolute must for bar / bat mitzvahs. Our favorite way of
using them is to have the entertainers toss them into the crowd periodically though out the night. This makes the induction of the item an event in the night. For example, during a Blues Brothers song, passing
out the Blues Brothers glasses and toy microphones so every one can sing along.There is no right or wrong about the number of items needed. It's entirely based on your budget. One good rule of thumb is to have
one favor per person, per hour. So a 4 hour party for 100 people would need 4 sets of items and about 100 of each item. You can do more, you can do less. For a kids party you don't really have to figure the adults into the equation.
In the above example, the glasses & mic would count as ONE set. Some choices lend themselves to excess, for instance Mardi Gras Beads, figure several each.